In this article, we’ll discuss what Brandwatch is. Plus, you will learn its advanced collection of features that will help if you are making a brand.  

What Is Brandwatch?

  Brandwatch is one of the well-known social media monitoring tools. It aids businesses in making use of social media chatters every day to their advantage. That means it can check public conversations, reviews, and articles on the entire web. It also offers systematic and effective social media monitoring and content marketing analytics platforms that let businesses understand trends, influencers, and consumers’ insights about their products. It is possible since the businesses can gather and scrutinize all the data they collect through Brandwatch’s web-based interface, powerful built-in query creation process, and social intelligence. With Brandwatch, businesses can make insightful, data-driven marketing campaign decisions, perform competitor analysis, provide customer satisfaction, and identify influencers who can help them in marketing. Brandwatch acquired PeerIndex in 2013, BuzzSumo in 2017, and Qriously in 2019, and these companies add to the company’s global survey capabilities. In addition, Brandwatch merged with Crimson Hexagon to enhance its offerings to its clients. This merger aims to create the most comprehensive database and AI-powered social intelligence solution available. It can create various dashboards and support many users, making it an ideal choice for agencies and businesses with several users and diverse needs.  

Brandwatch Pricing

Brandwatch does not have a free version or free trial. It offers a Pro Plan and an Enterprise Plan. The Pro Plan starts at $1,000 per month for 10,000 mentions. The Enterprise Plans, meanwhile, are quote-based. The price depends on the volume or requirement and will only be available upon request. For that, you can set a meeting with Brandwatch to get a quotation of their prices.  

Brandwatch Features

User Interface

Brandwatch features a straightforward and easy-to-navigate user interface where you can access the important tabs quickly. First, there’s the header where you can access the project-related controls and settings. Also, you will see there a drop-down menu where you can access different informational components, including Notifications, Help, and Account Settings and Preferences. Finally, you can access the main working components such as Alerts, Dashboards, Data, Reports, and Tools on the left side of the interface.  

Explore + Entities

  These are Brandwatch’s newly added features, which work together to visualize the data. Also, they let employees use filters and segments to large, complex data sets immediately. For example, Explore lets you put in a wide range of built-in filters on your data sets, wherein you can easily discover insights with just a click of a mouse. On the other hand, Entities helps identify all the entered mentions and classify them by hashtags, locations, people, organizations, and emojis. In short, Explore + Entities is a built-in intelligence that offers efficient insights to all users. With that, it can help save time, money, and effort since insights are readily available. This is a unique feature since social data is essential for every business, and Brandwatch can effectively provide the needed data. The four insights that Explore + Entities provide are:

Share of voice in seconds Fast crisis monitoring Quick consumer insights Instant influencer information


Alert Notifications

This helpful feature lets you receive alerts depending on mentions or keywords related to your products, brands, and services. You will be notified if the mentions or keywords surge in volume. You can also create filters and auto-categorization depending on what you need. This feature is beneficial to team leaders and marketers who are not always logged into the software. They can still receive alerts and be updated, especially when something goes wrong. In addition, you can also turn these mentions into actions. For example, when you capture social mentions, you can apply rules to them. Also, you can manage them in any way that will suit your business needs.  

Hashtag Detection

This feature lets you check all the hashtags mentioning the brands to the audience and the hashtags suitable to the products. To find the top hashtag report module on Twitter, you have to check the Twitter tab of the dashboard.  

Bulk Actions

The more mentions you find about your product or brand, the harder it is to manage the data analysis and workflows. This feature helps you efficiently manage and understand the datasets, as it lets you compress all the data according to what you need. With that, it is easier to see what the relevant topics are. Moreover, you can tag, edit, categorize and delete in bulk, making you save time and effort. In short, this feature is your shortcut in managing a lot of market research in a constricted time.  

Campaign History Tracking

This feature lets you track and have insights into the campaigns made in the past. Then, you can use them as the basis of what you can improve and what you have to retain.  

Topics Feature

This feature helps you find all the conversations concerning your specified brand or product all over the internet. After gathering all the mentions found, the system then analyzes all of them to provide additional information. Moreover, it provides the most used phrases along with the terms you used in searching. Thus, you will get the essential information you may need to form the consumers’ real voices. Besides, it can help you save time, money, resources, and effort regarding market research.  

Competitor Analysis

  This feature gives a deeper insight concerning consumers, which you can use to come up with useful strategies you can use against your competitors. Moreover, you’ll have an idea of the consumers’ perception of your products and that of your competitors. These perceptions will help you add factors regarding your competitor analysis and help you improve your marketing strategies.  

Crisis Management

One of the main problems of a business is when a crisis comes. When this happens, every second counts. It will help if you will do everything to make sure that you can succeed in bad circumstances. Besides, if you want to stay on top, you need to do everything possible, especially when your brand is concerned. Furthermore, you need to look after every critical and negative mention and pay attention to them before they escalate. With that, although you will be affected, the damage will always be minimal.  

Topic Growth Comparison Chart

The new chart provides a better understanding of the trend by knowing the popular topics and those not so popular. With that, dealing with the changes that will come along will be uncomplicated. In addition, you can make use of what’s trending and associate it with your brands or products.  

Copy and Paste Components

This is an extra helpful feature. As you might be working on a wide range of data sources, you don’t need to spend more time and exert effort in creating new filters or views. Instead, simply copying and pasting will do.  

Assigning Colors to Charts

It is now easier to recognize the chart that you are looking at by assigning colors to them. There’s no need to read the title. The colors will tell you right away.  

Note Component

Sharing information is now interesting as you can do it with images, links, and gifs through this feature. In addition, you can add it to the dashboard so you can access it easily.  

Track Brand Standing

This feature lets you be the one to know if people are talking about your brand. You will learn how your brands or products are shared across a wide range of online sources. This way, you can do thorough research to understand the consumers better. Moreover, it can help you build better marketing strategies.  

Web Crawler Technology

This is Brandwatch’s superior technology. With this, it is now easier to gain content with this feature. In addition, it helps in searching and crawling on different sites that can help you:

Analyze the pages – it involves different processes like indexing, sentiment analysis, and influence science. Store data – you can store your data in three technologies. These include the traditional database, repository storage, and the search index Inquiries matching – it is easier to access important data by understanding their standing in the market, knowing your competitor’s activities, and having insights into the trends.


Real-Time Tracking

Brandwatch provides real-time tracking easily accessible on the dashboard. This helps to improve campaigns and marketing properly.  

Real-Time Results

  Collecting and analyzing insights are not easy, especially when you need to do different surveys to gather additional information. Brandwatch is of great help with this issue as it provides real-time data and results, answering questions fast, and helping you catch up with the developing trends in the market.  

Identifying Influencers

  Influencers are of great help for a different company to endorse their brands to the public. They make use of them through advertisements. Brandwatch can see the people who are talking about your brand and reach out to them as influencers. They can help you with your brands without spending too much.  

Dashboard Wizard

This is a helpful newly added feature by Brandwatch. It provides a wide range of built-in use case dashboards, including influencer marketing, campaign measurement, and tracking purchase. Also, it offers a quick search option, which makes it easier to use.  

Market Research

  Conventional market research will take most of your time, and it is even costly. Brandwatch helps you gain access to a wide range of online consumer discussions, allows you to keep track of the conversation from all sides of the web. You are also offered historical data as old as ten years ago to answer all your inquiries. In addition, it helps you have an overview of what’s in demand in your industry by making you understand what your audience is saying and what the market is.  

Query Wizard

This is a complex but effective social search builder. To use this feature, you need to create a query first. This will need you to choose what you want, including tracking a specific brand or a popular campaign hashtag and the language and location where you want to acquire data. After that, the platform will get everything ready for you.  

Downloading Reports to Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations

Downloading reports is usual in every social media monitoring platform. However, the way that Brandwatch downloads report into a Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation is different. It makes everything ready for you if you have a presentation or demonstration to make.  

Brandwatch Integrations

Clarabridge Facebook Flickr Google+ Hootsuite Percolate Spredfast Twitter YouTube


Pros and Cons of Brandwatch


Clean and simple visuals Excellent customer service Detailed keyword-based searches Can create multiple levels of predefined filtering Useful analytics Wide range of integrations Powerful audience reporting and monitoring Good for brand management Effective in drawing brand insights Unlimited accounts Provides relevant information about the market Analyze trends about business Optimize brand messaging

Unreliable sentiment classification Filtering defaults misused at times No available pricing plans; needs to inquire No publishing tools Queries generate several spams Sometimes difficult to manipulate Some features are complicated

Social Media Listening Platforms Like Brandwatch


  Hootsuite is a fully featured social media management app equipped with social media listening tools. It lets you view and answer all messages, comments, keywords, hashtags, and brand mentions on a wide range of social media platforms in a single dashboard. It means that you need not log in to your different social media accounts to access all the messages. Moreover, it allows you to reach out to some influencers to help you market your brand and collaborate with your campaigns. Go to Hootsuite  

Sprout Social

  An extensive social media management platform, Sprout Social aids in social listening and analytics. It features a Smart Inbox wherein you can monitor and manage engagement to a wide range of social media platforms. Furthermore, it offers robust support towards social listening and provides insights helpful for making social media strategies. In addition, it makes sure that all the mentions are about your brand, making it an ideal platform to try. Go to Sprout Social  


This comprehensive social media and web monitoring tool is equipped with data-rich reports and a great help for social listening. It’s an excellent tool for organizing your mentions and discovering influencers to help you with your brand. Also, it allows you to create your custom reports, track progress, and manage any social media crisis. In addition, it offers an effective analysis tool that lets you compare your brands against your competitor. Go to Mention  

Is Brandwatch the Best Social Media Listening Tool?

  There are a lot of social media listening tools crawling on the web. They all offer practical social media listening tools to help you with your brand. As Brandwatch has already acquired PeerIndex, BuzzSumo, and Qriously, there is so much that it can offer to your company. It doesn’t stop improving and innovating to make sure that it provides the best for its clients. When it comes to social media listening, Brandwatch is making sure that its clients can have the best of it. It provides all the information and support needed for you to identify the issues and gain essential insights about branding concerns. In addition, it assures you that you won’t be left out when it comes to brand monitoring and marketing.

Is Brandwatch the Best Social Media Listening Tool Today  - 22Is Brandwatch the Best Social Media Listening Tool Today  - 93Is Brandwatch the Best Social Media Listening Tool Today  - 98Is Brandwatch the Best Social Media Listening Tool Today  - 75Is Brandwatch the Best Social Media Listening Tool Today  - 9Is Brandwatch the Best Social Media Listening Tool Today  - 81