Why Cancel Disney Plus?

  Disney Plus is a multi-platform, on-demand streaming service launched in late 2019. The service offers some of the best original content from Disney. It also provides content from highly popular, kid-friendly franchises such as Marvel Comics, Star Wars, and National Geographic. There’s also content from cable channels as well as original movies and TV shows. The platform was originally advertised as a kid-friendly and family-friendly channel. That is to say, most content is designed specifically for children. The platform has since shifted to a more family-friendly image. In that case, they have begun to incorporate content that people of all ages could watch. That being said, people who don’t have children may prefer a different type of streaming service. The platform has controversies about its alleged promotion of LGBT-themed concepts in its kids’ shows. The issue became so well-publicized that it led to mass cancellations in subscriptions. It also led to uncharacteristic downturns in the company’s stock prices. Naturally, the streaming service doesn’t come for free, and the subscription costs are another reason some people opt out of the service. A subscription to Disney Plus can cost anywhere between USD 8.00 and USD 19.99 per month. These costs can pile up to an average of USD 80 to a hefty sum of USD 240 per year. For additional details on pricing plans and features, check out this review of Disney Plus.  

How to Cancel Disney Plus

Disney Plus is a great all-around source of entertainment. But like with most things, there is a limit to the entertainment value of the streaming service. That being said, there may come a time when you may want to cancel your subscription. Maybe you’ve exhausted all the movies and TV shows on the service, or the ones you want are unavailable. Regardless of your reasons, you should know that canceling your subscription is a quick and easy process. In that case, you would need to cancel your subscription through the third-party service that you signed up for. Alternatively, you may be a direct subscriber and signed up through Disney Plus. In that case, you should be able to cancel your subscription through mobile or web-based platforms. Second, note that your subscription is separate from your Disney Plus account. Simply put, canceling your subscription will not delete your account. It will also not affect any other accounts that you have associated with the Walt Disney Company. That being said, we can already proceed with the steps on how to cancel Disney Plus.  

How to Cancel Disney Plus Through the Disney Plus Website

Disney Plus is a highly convenient streaming platform. It offers thousands of kid-friendly streaming content on-demand through a mobile app or web-based app. Similarly, the platform also offers the ability to subscribe or unsubscribe from the service easily. Note that you can cancel your subscription through web-based, mobile-based apps, or even third-party apps. Canceling a subscription is possible through both the mobile app and web-based platform. But it would be more convenient to use the web-based platform. The web-based platform would offer a larger screen of real estate, not to mention processing power to ensure that your request comes through. That being said, here are the steps for ending your subscription with Disney Plus:  

How to Cancel Disney Plus on an iPhone

Alternatively, you may be using an iPad and may have signed up for the service through iTunes. If you remember doing so, you will need to cancel your subscription through iTunes. Take note of the following steps to cancel your subscription through iTunes using your iPhone:  

How to Cancel Disney Plus on Android

Alternatively, you may have signed up for the service through Google Play. If you have Google Play, it’s probably safe to assume that you’re using an Android phone. It’s also safe to assume that you are probably using the Disney Plus mobile app to stream your shows. If your payments for Disney Plus pass through Google Play, then it may be best to cancel your subscription that way as well. Without further delay, here are the steps:  

How to Restart Your Disney Plus Subscription After Cancellation

Let’s say you’ve managed to unsubscribe from Disney Plus successfully. However, after a few weeks, you start to find yourself craving Disney Plus’ spread of movies and TV shows. For example, if you can’t say you’re not even the least bit tempted by this list of the best movies and TV shows on Disney Plus. If you decide to come back, is it possible to start from scratch? The answer is absolutely! It doesn’t take a genius to know that Disney wants people to return to their service. This is why they separated the Disney Plus account from the subscription account. The former remains intact even after you’ve unsubscribed. It keeps track of both your personal and billing details in case you want to re-subscribe to the service. In other words, you no longer have to activate your subscription from scratch.  

Potential Scenarios for Renewing Subscriptions

You may have unsubscribed recently within the past few days. If this is the case, then there’s a huge possibility that your subscription has yet to be canceled by the system. This is because the platform normally waits until the end of a billing period to end the subscription. That being said, you can undo canceling your subscription before the billing period lapses. This would prevent your subscription from getting canceled to begin with. Take note, however, that you would have to wait until the end of the current billing period to restart your subscription. Alternatively, you may have been unsubscribed from the service for a few months or longer. Unless you have recalled the request, your subscription is most likely fully canceled or inactive. In this case, the platform will still offer you the chance to re-subscribe. However, take note that you may need to update your billing details in the process. That being said, here are some of the steps you need to re-subscribe to Disney Plus:  

How to Restart Disney Plus Subscription After Unsubscribing


Final Thoughts on How to Cancel Disney Plus

This concludes our brief guide on how to cancel Disney Plus. Various platforms are offering Disney Plus, and you need to unsubscribe the way you came. The next step then after unsubscribing is to check the stoppage of charges to your account. There’s a chance that the service may continue to charge you for the subscription. While it rarely ever happens, the probability of it happening is never zero. The continuation can stem from the fact that your cancellation request was ignored. It can also be that the system encountered technical errors in the process. Whatever the reason, it’s important to ensure that the billing stops after you cancel your subscription.

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