Reasons to Use Spotify

0.1 Reasons to Use Spotify0.2 Spotify Premium0.3 Microsoft Groove Music1 Groove Music vs Spotify: Which One to Choose?

Spotify is one if not the most popular music streaming service out there. Why wouldn’t it be with everything it has to offer. It gives you access to millions of songs and keeps you informed on the latest tracks available. Spotify also offers you playlists based on your mood. There’s driving music, relaxation music, exercise music, comedy, to eat, and more! You can also enjoy the Top 50 so you can discover what everyone is listening to. With one account you can access Spotify from any device. Access Spotify from your Mac, iPhone, Android, or Windows computer. If you prefer, you can use Spotify directly from its web app. This is a great option if you want to avoid downloading yet another app onto your device or computer. You’ll also be able to see what your friends are listening to and share that great song you’ve discovered with others. Spotify doesn’t make you feel left out when using the free account, but the downside is that things aren’t as great on the mobile app. For example, if you’re listening to Spotify on your iPhone or Android device you can only listen to music in shuffle mode. This can be very frustrating if you want to listen to an album in order. The only way around this is by going Premium. That’s not the case when using your iPad or Android tablet. With those devices, you’ll have the same freedom as if you were using your computer.

Spotify Premium

You can either choose Spotify’s free account or enjoy the Premium account with a 30-day free trial. Once the trial is over you’ll only have to pay $9.99 a month for services such as shuffle play, unlimited skips, ad-free, listen offline, play any track and high-quality audio (160 kbps on a desktop by default and 320Kbps on Premium). Spotify is very easy to use and doesn’t bombard you with unnecessary features. The Premium account lets you save up to 3,333 songs on three different devices. You can also save the playlist or album you want, and you can also choose the quality it’s saved in. Make sure that you sign into your Spotify premium account at least once every 30 days to keep it active. With Premium, you can also enjoy Spotify Connect that not only lets you listen to music on any device but you can also control what’s playing on your laptop with your phone.

Microsoft Groove Music

Groove Music is the music app your Windows 10 comes with. You may have completely overlooked it just because it’s the default music app but it’s worth a look into. Unlike Spotify, Groove Music has a light theme and stands out because of its simplicity. To your left, you’ll see your playlists and your music library. Groove Music also gives you seamless integration between two formats. Depending on how much storage space you have you can upload your music and then enjoy it thanks to the Groove Music Web Player. You can access this player on any device. You can’t add album artwork but you can change the basic metadata. For example, you can modify the artist name, song title, track number, disc number, genre and year. If this information is missing, Groove Music will automatically add it for you. There is a mobile and desktop app for Groove Music and if you’re a subscriber you have access to its library of songs. Spotify does beat Groove Music when it comes to music delivery tools but at least, it has some to offer. Spotify is cheaper since Groove Music will set you back $29.99 a month. The tools can be divided into two sections such as the discovery inside the app and on the Windows Store. To buy music you’ll need to head on over to the Windows Store for that. The music it will recommend is based on your listening history and any music you purchase will show up on the app automatically.

Groove Music vs Spotify: Which One to Choose?

Both apps allow you to listen to your music but Spotify takes the crown. It’s one of the most used music streaming services for a reason. It gives you more freedom and options than Groove Music. Which music service would you use? Leave a comment and let us know. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of follow-up comments via e-mail.


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