Nowadays, you can find gaming headphones that can pretty much do it all, but most of us are limited by our budget. The options get especially tight when you look for wireless headsets. That’s why it’s a welcome surprise when one of the leading brands of gaming gear, Corsair, released a budget-friendly pair — the Corsair Void RGB Elite Wireless. But aside from the price, another eye-catching feature of these headphones is their unique design. While most headsets are either oval or circular, the Corsair Void RGB Elite Wireless sport geometric ear cups. Like many, this drove our curiosity crazy. So we’re excited to get our hands on these to see if their design is just for show, or if they’re actually worth it. Read on to find out!

Company Overview

Corsair Gaming is a well-known PC component and gaming gear company, headquartered in Fremont, California. It was founded in 1994 by Andy Paul, Don Leiberman, and John Beekley as Corsair Microsystems, originally to develop cache modules for CPUs. From there, the company has now grown to cover a wide range of products on the market; from keyboards and peripherals, PC components, and even pre-built PCs. They claim to be the top-selling gaming gear company on the market, with their product sales expected to reach between $1.9-$2.1 billion by the end of 2021. This large revenue helped them grow their company into subsidiaries and esports teams. Their current esports team: The ROX Tigers, compete across three games – league of legends, Overwatch, and Vainglory.

Technical Specifications:

Form: Over-ear, wireless Drivers: 50mm high density neodymium audio driver Impedance: 32 Ohms @ 1kHz Sensitivity: 116DBb (±3dB) Frequency Response: 20Hz – 30kHz Connector: USB Type A Battery Life: 16 hours Wireless Range: 40 foot range of wireless connection Compatibilty: PC, PS4/PS5, Xbox One

Packaging and Accessories

The packaging for the Corsair RGB Elite Wireless was appealing and very lightweight. I felt like I was receiving a professional product as the presentation was nice but was very let down upon seeing how the headphones are packaged. There was no supporting foam nor padding around the headphones at all. Instead, they were crammed inside of the box with nothing but some flimsy plastic over the ear cups and headband, which only protected against scratching. The headphones are also packaged tightly, pushing up against the cardboard. I had to pull hard to get them out and thought I might break them. This came off as a very lazy and cheap way of packaging the headphones. The packaging definitely needs to be improved as the cardboard is not enough to guarantee it will arrive in proper condition. This was a big letdown as I feel the presentation goes a long way. There are many lines of headphones that are packaged and handled better, at a lower price. In the box

Corsair RGB Elite Wireless Headphones Wireless USB Bluetooth Connecter Micro USB Charging Cable Microphone Foam Windscreen


When it comes to the Corsair Void RGB Elite Wireless, it’s best to divide the discussion of design into two things: aesthetics and functionality. That’s because one is a bit disappointing and unnecessary while the other is flat-out practical. Let’s discuss them below:


Most gaming headphones follow a similar industry-standard design that appeals most to gamers. They also usually provide some color options for the headset that gives it that “gamer” look and feel. However, after laying my eyes on the Corsair Void RGB Elite Wireless, I had a lot of mixed emotions. I thought I had seen everything, but the design for the headphones is in a category of its own. The headphones are by no means flashy with the black and white colors and advertised RGB, which only refers to the Corsair logo outside the earcups. I do feel there’s a lot more that could have been done with the aesthetic of the headphones especially when going for such an original design. Similar to the packaging, it just feels like a lazy effort that I felt could have been approved. The headset appears boxy at first glance, and I initially questioned its shape. The earcups are square, with the omnidirectional microphone connected to the left ear cup. Also, the headband is connected to the back of the ear cups and sits at a forward angle that can’t be adjusted. Again, I wasn’t impressed with this look as the result comes across as clumsy.


The relieving news is that the Corsair Void RGB Elite Wireless has a lot of functionality options. For someone who is looking for accessibility, the Corsair Void RGB Elite Wireless has you covered. On the outside of the left ear cup are the power button and the mute button for the mic, which also automatically mutes itself when folded up. I loved this feature as it was such an efficient way to mute myself. However, this renders the mute button on the left ear cup redundant. Moreover, the headband is adjustable up to 4cm on either side, which is more than enough length. On the underside of the left ear cup is the wired Micro USB charging port, as well as a volume dial that allows you to quickly adjust your sound. The volume dial was a nice touch and just added more to the functionality that the headphones offer. While the design is awkward, the headphone’s functionality is superior and it offers everything as advertised. There are definitely some notes to be taken from Corsair, as they appear to be offering premium functionality with the Corsair Void RGB Elite Wireless.


I was really curious about how the Corsair VOID RGB Elite Wireless would test on comfort because of their unique shape. It had me hesitant about how they would fit, and as I suspected the comfort of these headphones is nothing special. Surprisingly, they feel incredibly light despite their weight of 390g. However, they fit very loosely on my head. I noticed that the headphones should shift out of place, with any quick head movement. It would be nice if they were more stable so they would sit in place. The upside is that they don’t cause any headaches and definitely don’t feel heavy on your head after a long session. The ear cups and headband are both padded with an inch thick memory foam and covered by a microfibre mesh, without any exposed stitches. It is plush, comfortable, and even surprisingly breathable. Yet, the ear cups don’t create a complete seal around my ears. The bottom tends to fold out no matter how many times I press them back. This is most likely due to the aluminum headband that doesn’t stretch easily. Expect to find yourself constantly re-adjusting the headphones as they don’t sit in place on your head or around your ears.

Build Quality

The headphones feel cheap and I first noticed this when taking them out of the box– I was worried I was going to break them. They didn’t offer good resistance when I removed them from the packaging, as the plastic was flimsy. They also don’t test well to being stretched outward, and I feared something was going to snap when testing them. However, while the aluminum headband is barely flexible outwards, it is flexible side to side. Also, the ear cups are connected to the headband by an aluminum yolk, which is very sturdy. The downside is that it only allows the ear cups to move inward. Overall, I was let down by the build quality of these headphones. I hoped to be swayed after testing them, but my opinion still remains that they feel cheap. If you are looking for a pair of headphones that will prove to last, I would stay away from the Corsair RGB Elite Wireless.

Mic Quality

When playing with friends online, my teammates tell me that the mic is monotone, and generally quiet. The problem is, I can’t seem to find a balance between the two when repositioning the mic. If it’s too close to the mouth, the sounds are just muffled. And, placing it further away makes the sound quiet. Because of this, the in-game audio tends to drown out my comms. This often leaves my in-game callouts unheard. There is no way to adjust the microphone levels other than adding the foam windscreen. When I did add it, it didn’t make my sounds any clearer and even started to pick up heavy breathing or wind around the mic. I would even argue it made the mic quality worse, and more sensitive to outside sounds. I have attached a couple of audio files to give an example of the low mic audio. Keep in mind the mic was approximately 1-2 inches away from my mouth. (mic test in a quiet environment) (mic test in a noisy environment)


I’m not the first person to suggest Bluetooth headphones, however, the Corsair Void RGB Elite Wireless has really swayed my opinion on what wireless headphones has to offer. The headphones connect via the wireless Bluetooth connector for PC/PS4/PS5/Xbox, but no option for mobile. The connection is made within seconds on both platforms, and not once did the signal drop. They have a connection range of 40ft and work all throughout my house. There were also never any noticeable audio latency. They also support a 16hr battery life and can be used while charging. Just simply connect the 5.9 foot micro USB charger to the plug under the left ear cup, and the other to a USB. The ease in accessibility with the Bluetooth really had me relieved that the headphones offered a quality connection. The whole process was stress-free, and it was relieving not having to worry about a cord getting in my way. I have to give credit where it’s due, the Corsair Void RGB Elite Wireless, aced its Bluetooth connectivity.

Sound Quality

The sound quality of gaming headphones is always the most important factor to me. Not only does it add to the immersion, but it is also crucial when playing competitive games that require you to listen intently. That’s why it’s reassuring that the Corsair Void RGB Elite Wireless came with a 7.1 Surround sound and 50mm high-density drivers. Because of this, I was confident that the headphones offered premium sound quality, and put them to the test. I gave them a go on PUBG on PC, and Call of Duty Modern: Warfare on PS4. All of these games have moments that require you to hone in on the sound, especially in climactic moments. Enemy footsteps didn’t stand out, and I had to actively listen to confirm if they’re actually footsteps. This was a common theme of me wondering what sound I was picking up or hearing in the distance. I was constantly unsure what my headset was delivering as the mids and highs were very mediocre. The lows were not strong at all and seem to be the lowest of them all. I found that the solution for some games was just to increase the volume so sounds stood out and were made more clear. This helped especially for subtle in-game sounds like in PUBG, but not for Call of Duty Modern: Warfare. Increasing the volume just made it worse for the latter, and sounds often came across as a jumble, leaving me unclear of what I heard. I downloaded Corsairs’ driver software the iCUE, as it allows you to customize the sound, but only to prefixed options which were: Pure Direct, Movie Theater, FPS Competition, Clear Chat, and Bass Boost. I immediately went to the Bass Boost option but found it barely made any changes to the lows. For some odd reason, the Movie Theater option was the only one that provided a noticeable difference, as the others didn’t deliver on their title. Overall, the sound quality is nothing to get excited over, and proved average at best. The sound was quiet and I was often adjusting volume levels throughout matches. Basically, they offered the minimum passing grade on sound quality and left me unimpressed..


The Corsair Void RGB Elite Wireless have been on the market since 2017, which may feel a little outdated. Despite this, there are other headphones that are outdated but still last in this current age of gaming. One of those are the Razer Kraken 7.1 V2s, which were first released in 2016. The main difference between the headphones are their functionality. The Corsair Void RGB Elite Wireless offer a volume dial, two mute options, and a wireless connection, which the Razer Kraken 7.1 V2s do not. The Kraken 7.1 V2s aimed for simplicity while the Corsair Void Elite RGB Wireless went for originality. The Kraken 7.1 V2s follow the standard design of gaming headphones that offer comfort with a professional look. From the headband to the earcups I would say the Kraken 7.1 V2s takes the edge over the Corsair Void RGB Elite Wireless. When it comes to the sound quality, both headphones incorporate 7.1 surround sound, but the Kraken 7.1 V2s pull it off better. The sounds are more crisp and detectable than the Corsair Void RGB Elite Wireless. The Kraken 7.1 V2s also have boosted bass into the headphones, and even with them disabled it offers better lows than the Corsairs VOID RGB Elite Wireless. The last area for comparison is the mic quality. While both these headphones have their own tendencies with the mic quality, I would have to say the Kraken 7.1 V2s performed better. They didn’t pick up any access wind, and my audio came through loud and clear. With this being said, the Corsair Void RGB Elite Wirelesses offered more functionality with how to mute your mic, which leaves it up to preference.

Where to Buy

Corsair Gaming Official Store


To answer the question of whether the Corsair Void RGB Elite Wireless a premium headset, I would have to answer no. You would think they would want to package their “premium” headset properly, but the overall packaging was poor. On top of this, the build quality doesn’t have anything premium about it other than the aluminum yolks, which really don’t offer much to the headphones other than connecting the headband and ear cups. Moreover, I would have to say the original design for the Corsair Void RGB Elite wireless is very awkward and doesn’t add any comfort. The headphones don’t feel snug on your head nor do the earcups provide a complete seal around my ears. They were shockingly light despite weighing 390g, but that isn’t enough to say they offer premium comfort. The same goes for the sound quality of the headphones. The mids and highs were average, with the lows being especially weak, even when adjusting with the iCUE driver software. The 7.1 surround sound was generally pretty quiet and didn’t make any audio stand out, in fact, it had me guessing what some sounds were. The only premium aspect I am getting out of the Corsair Void RGB Elite Wireless is their functionality. You have the freedom of them being wireless, two mute options, and a volume dial. I would say the headphones don’t earn the title of being a premium, and more so just offer a unique design.

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