After confusing fans of the upcoming Panda headphones with a sudden launch through Indiegogo, Drop has issued a statement to clear the air. The thread on its official website answers many of the questions, but potential customers are still doubting the company’s intentions behind the crowdfunding move. A brief refresher: Drop had planned mass production for its new Panda headphones, which are made in collaboration with THX. But the company then decided to place its product on Indiegogo, a crowdfunding platform, subsequently confusing those who expected to purchase through Drop’s own website. A Reddit thread pointed this out and dished out some speculation as to what could have prompted Drop’s move. Fortunately, the guessing can stop there, because the audiophile brand issued a formal statement regarding the shift in strategy.

Setting the Record Straight

Drop took to the discussion thread on the Panda headphones’ product page to answer the most urgent questions. It began with the most obvious one: why Drop is launching through Indiegogo. They go on to explain that regardless of where you purchase the headphones online, Drop itself will handle the manufacturing, shipping, and product support. However, fans didn’t understand why the crowdfunding site has a cheaper shipping fee as compared to Drop’s official channel. The company had to admit some fault. Finally, concerning the Panda headphones’ appearance on Drop’s official website, the company representative could only say that it’s best to purchase through Indiegogo before it’s too late.

Some Still Aren’t Satisfied

The thread was unfortunately flooded with negative comments about the manufacturer’s approach to the planned launch. Some were concerned about the shipping fee, while others wanted to know more about Drop’s reasoning. The next step would be to wait for the product to actually arrive at doorsteps. Until then, we’ll have to wait and see how Drop is going to produce enough headphones in time for the renewed deadlines and expectations.

Fans Unsatisfied with Drop s Explanation for Panda Headphones  Indiegogo Campaign - 11Fans Unsatisfied with Drop s Explanation for Panda Headphones  Indiegogo Campaign - 99