Best Valorant Crosshair Settings
The first thing you need to know is that you might want to tinker a bit with the settings to find what’s best for you. After all, everyone has their ideal crosshair settings. But if you want a more general idea of the ideal crosshair to use in first-person shooter games, specifically Valorant, you need to get your crosshair settings to have these qualities:
Gives the player great visibility: Being able to see your crosshair is a great thing. In addition, making sure that it can be seen in different backgrounds and scenarios in-game is a great thing to go for. Doesn’t distract the user: Being able to see your crosshair means jack if you’re distracted by it. Keeping good situational awareness is a good idea with shooters like Valorant. Doesn’t cover enemies fully: If your enemy’s pretty far from you and you want to click their heads, you don’t want your crosshair in the way when you shoot. After all, a huge crosshair can impair vision. Gives you the ability to aim comfortably: Last but not least is comfort. You’ll be staring at that crosshair for hours, after all. Thus, being able to do so without your eyes sending you to the gulag is a great thing to have.
Last but not least, remember to keep using a specific crosshair setting, at least for a few days. This is so that you can get a feel of it and get used to playing with said crosshair setting. If you don’t like it, simply edit it and play for a few days again. Simple enough. Play Valorant today!
Crosshair Options in Valorant
Now that we know what to look for, let’s go to the options. When it comes to Valorant’s crosshair options, players have several choices for their sliders and options. Here they are and what they do:
Crosshair color: There are 8 colors for players to pick from here. Don’t go for dark colors. Go for a bright one to prevent it from blending in the map. Outlines: Specifically, the outer edges of an FPS game’s crosshairs have a black highlight, and Valorant is no exception. You can turn this off if you wish, but you can also change opacity, as well as the thickness of the said outline. Center dot: This option gives players a choice of a center dot smack dab in the middle of the player crosshair. Not necessary, but useful for those that like big crosshairs as it gives a center point to line-up shots. Same deal as outlines, you can change the thickness and opacity of the dot. Fade crosshair with firing error: This one is a bit weird. If this is activated, your crosshair’s top half fades if the fire of your automatic weapon spray is off. It goes back when you’re not firing your gun anymore. More or less, this is used to remind new players to keep a close eye on their gun recoil. Show spectated player’s crosshair: Not a useful option in-game, but when spectating, you can take a look-see at your teammate’s crosshairs if you want. This is useful if you want to poach crosshair settings. Inner and outer lines: Lastly, we have the inner and outer lines, which are governed by several sliders. This allows players to adjust the length, opacity, distance, and thickness of the crosshair.
Best Valorant Crosshairs and Codes Used By Pros and Streamers
Now that we know about what crosshair settings you want to have and what your options are, let’s talk about Crosshair Codes. Specifically, those used by Valorant pros and streamers. We’ll give you 5 of the best ones here today:
Profile Code: 0;s;1;P;o;1;0t;1;0l;1;0o;4;0a;1;0f;0;1t;1;1l;1;1o;3;1a;0;1m;0;1f;0;S;c;0;o;1 The first streamer/pro that we need to talk about is f0rsakeN, who plays for Paper Rex and is their fragger/main duelist. Paper Rex got quite a bit of success in a lot of tournaments internationally due to f0rsakeN’s help and established SEA as one of Valorant’s standout regions. Now in terms of crosshairs f0rsakeN’s may look full black, but that’s not the case. This is because he sets the outlines with a line length of 1. The crosshair is pretty small and has a gap right in the middle that can be seen on many surfaces. It might look small, but there shouldn’t be any problem in seeing the crosshair even when the fights get crazy in-game.
Profile Code: 0;s;1;P;h;0;0t;1;0l;4;0o;1;0a;1;0f;0;1b;0;S;o;1 The next one on the list is Wardell, widely considered to be one of the best Operator players in Valorant NA. A lot of players might want to go try it out if they want to practice using the Operator. Who knows, it might give greatness to new blood. Crosshair-wise, Wardell’s is also pretty simple, with a white crosshair and no outlines. It’s easy to see when it’s against enemy highlights, can stand out in Valorant’s various maps, and isn’t thick or distracting. Do note that this crosshair setting type can blend in with bright color backgrounds or the sky.
Profile Code: 0;P;h;0;m;1;0t;1;0l;4;0o;0;0a;1;0f;0;1b;0 Next, we have Shroud, one of the most prominent streamers ever. His purview, of course, is on FPS games, as he’s played a lot of CS: GO, and now Valorant. Known for his great aim in any situation, he’s garnered a large following due to his VAC tier plays and being cool, chill, and awesome throughout all his streams. Crosshair-wise, Shroud’s is a compact crosshair that’s colored white with no outlines. Its small size makes sure that you’re not distracted by it and allows you to concentrate on the game. In addition, the crosshair itself can be seen throughout a lot of Valorant’s game maps.
Profile Code: 0;c;1;s;1;P;c;2;o;0.15;f;0;0l;5;0o;2;0a;1;0e;0.25;1b;0 Another streamer is Hiko, a former CS: GO/Valorant pro who retired to go streaming full-time. Currently, he’s a streamer/creator for 100 Thieves, a prominent team/streaming organization with which Hiko has a lot of history. We’re sad to see him leave the professional scene, but it’s nice to see him doing well on streaming. Crosshair-wise, Hiko is surprisingly traditional, which is probably due to his CS: GO roots. White, light outlines, and a middle gap. Surprisingly, though, Hiko uses Firing Error, which is a bit anomalous since pros already know about each weapon’s accuracy when doing sprays. After all, it’s their job, but this is great for beginners as it allows them to know about the firing patterns of the weapon they’re using. A useful tool especially when doing 1-taps or other nutty shots.
Profile Code: 0;s;1;P;h;0;0t;1;0l;4;0o;1;0a;1;0f;0;1b;0;S;o;1 Last but not least is Tarik. He should be a familiar name since he’s one of the legendary 5 Cloud 9 players who won NA’s first CS: GO Major. Now, however, he’s one of Valorant’s biggest streamers, and his FPS skills that made him a menace in these games are still at the top of their game. Age before beauty doesn’t mean being incapable of kicking serious ass in a Valorant match, after all. Crosshair-wise, Tarik uses a dot crosshair, with the outlines and center dot turned on. He then combines this with a white crosshair color to maximize the crosshair’s visibility. All in all, a good crosshair to use for anyone familiar with FPS games but not recommended for those that are just starting their FPS chops. You can use it, sure, but it might be a good idea to try out the other 4 (particularly Hiko’s) crosshair settings first.
How Does Tinkering Your Crosshair Settings and Codes Affect Gameplay?
Configuring your crosshair settings in many FPS games has a few distinct effects on gameplay. Specifically, on your perception of the crosshair itself. After all, if you’re way too focused on the crosshair, you’ll miss things like enemies peeking in a corner. Or an operator device in Rainbow 6 Siege. Situational awareness is key in FPS games, and having big crosshairs can be a detriment to that. However, tinkering with crosshair settings also allows the player to find out what crosshair settings they want to have. Everyone’s built differently, and everyone has their preferences. Someone’s preferences will vary depending on their likes and dislikes. This is the same with Crosshair settings, and the ability to change them to a player’s liking is a great thing to have. Valorant is a great game for giving players options on what settings players want on their crosshairs. They’re also awesome for allowing players to simply copy-paste crosshair settings from different streamers. Long story short, changing your crosshair settings allows you to find out how the crosshair affects you as a player. It gives you valuable information on your performance from one crosshair setting to the next. Maybe you want a big crosshair to aim your shots properly or a small one to not impede your sight. Either way, tinker with the settings as you wish, it’s your God-given right to do so. And if you improve, well, good for you.
What Happens When You Edit Valorant Crosshair Settings and Codes?
There are several distinct advantages to changing and editing your crosshair settings in Valorant or any FPS game. For one, it allows you to have a tailor-made crosshair for your needs and gives you great control. However, the process will take time, and you’ll need time to get used to the new crosshair settings you just implemented.
Final Word on the Best Valorant Crosshair Settings and Codes
That’s everything we have on Valorant Crosshair settings, as well as the best ones from famous players and streamers. Hopefully, you’ll up your Valorant game with these settings and become the best Valorant player you could ever be.